ADHD LENS Neurofeedback Treatment

ADHD LENS Neurofeedback is a fun, interactive and engaging treatment that helps you strengthen and retrain your brain to a healthier, more focused state. ADHD LENS Neurofeedback is a specialized treatment that uses advanced computer technology for balancing and optimizing your brain.

Neurofeedback has been used successfully to improve many conditions including, but not limited to:

  • Anxiety
  • Autism spectrum disorder
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Chronic pain
  • Depression
  • Headaches
  • Memory
  • PTSD
  • Sleep problems
  • Traumatic brain injury/concussions

WHAT IS ADHD Treatment?

LENS Neurofeedback is a specialized treatment that uses advanced computer technology for balancing and optimizing your brain. It is an engaging, interactive and medication-free therapy that helps you strengthen and retrain your brain to a healthier, more focused state.


With LENS neurofeedback, YOU become an active participant in healing your own brain. You will play a video game using just your brain—it’s fun! Here’s how it works: electrodes are placed on your head to measure electrical activity in your brain. Then, you will play some games with your mind using a computer screen. A clinician will show you how to interpret the real-time displays so that you can learn how to self-regulate your brain function. When your brain performs the way it’s supposed to, the computer program rewards you (on screen). But if you get distracted, the computer responds by letting you know that you need to readjust your focus. With a little practice, you can learn how to control your brain activity and replicate the patterns that are most helpful for brain health and growth. Because the brain has actually learned (or relearned) a more efficient way of functioning, it will continue to create new pathways even after the LENS neurofeedback session has ended.


Neurofeedback is effective in treating many conditions, including: ADD/ADHD, Anxiety, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Chronic Pain, Depression, Memory Issues, PTSD, Sleep Problems and Traumatic Brain Injury.

WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS ADHD Neurofeedback Treatment?

Patients have reported enhanced memory and focus, decreased impulsivity and anxiety, better mental clarity, more restful sleep, improved mood, and a host of other benefits after using neurofeedback.


For optimum results, it is recommended that patients receive 10 neurofeedback treatments per symptom. Appointments are twice a week and each session lasts an hour. Amen Clinics Orange County, CA offers an intensive form of neurofeedback called LORETA (low-resolution electromagnetic tomography), which requires fewer sessions than traditional neurofeedback.


Neurofeedback is non-invasive, has no side effects and is safe for people of all ages.


Over the past 30 years, many clinicians have reported on the efficacy of this safe and natural process for treating ADD. In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics named neurofeedback a “Level 1: ‘Best Support’ intervention for ADD/ADHD, on par with medication” in 2012. For parents who are wary about using a single approach (such as medication alone) to treat their child’s ADD, neurofeedback is a welcome alternative.

In our experience, ADD patients who receive neurofeedback treatments are able to:
1. Increase their reading skills and decrease their need for medication.
2. Reduce their impulsivity and aggressiveness.
3. Improve their quality of sleep.

Neurofeedback can help boost focus and overall brain health in both psychiatric patients and anyone who wants a natural way to optimize their brain. For a more targeted treatment, get a brain SPECT image and QEEG (Quantitative Electroencephalogram) before starting neurofeedback sessions.

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is a national health crisis that continues to grow—yet it remains one of the most misunderstood and incorrectly treated illnesses today. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), 20% of boys and 11% of girls are being diagnosed with it.

While genetics, maternal alcohol or drug use, birth trauma, jaundice, brain infections and head trauma can play a causative role in ADD symptoms, the increase in people being diagnosed with it is likely related to influences in our world today that negatively affect brain function, including:

Limited physical education in school
Excessive use of video games
Diets filled with processed foods
Exposure to environmental toxins (i.e. pesticides in the food supply)
Many people with ADD are very intelligent, creative, spontaneous, fun and successful. However, on the flip side, untreated ADD can have alarming consequences and is associated with higher incidences of:

Academic problems
Low self-esteem
Job failure
Alzheimer’s disease

Furthermore, 33% of kids with ADD never finish high school (3 times the national average) so they end up in jobs that don’t pay well. According to one study from Harvard, 52% of people with untreated ADD abuse drugs or alcohol. The Amen Clinics are filled with clients who have struggled with ADD every day of their lives.

Ideally, when we concentrate, blood flow should increase in the brain, especially in the prefrontal cortex; this increased activity allows us to focus, stay on task and think ahead. In the brains of most people with ADD, blood flow actually goes down when they concentrate, making it harder to stay focused. In other words, the harder they try, the harder it gets!

ADD, like many other conditions, is not just a single and simple disorder; therefore, treatment is not a one-size-fits-all solution. We have identified 7 types of ADD—and each requires a different treatment plan because of the diverse brain systems involved.

Each of the ADD subtypes has its own set of symptoms as a result of the abnormal blood flow patterns in the brain, but for the most part, they all share the same core symptoms.

Core Symptoms of ADD

  • A short attention span for regular, routine, everyday tasks (homework, chores, etc.)
  • Distractibility
  • Organization problems (like having a disorganized room and/or always running late)
  • Procrastination
  • Problems with follow-through
  • Poor impulse control (saying or doing something before thinking it through)

PARENTS WHO NEED HELP – Parent Coach Plan has many free worksheets that can help a parent provide more structure in the home and give child more structure which will help develop self confidence.

Reference – Dr. Daniel Amen Clinic and his research into ADHD. Photo provided by Dr. Amen Clinic

ADHD LENS Neurofeedback Treatment

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