CES Ends Anxiety

Ending Anxiety’s Vicious Cycle Simply and Effectively with
Breakthrough CES Treatment

Now, at last, you have a drug-free way to end the vicious cycle of anxiety. Those caught in the cycle know all too well how anxiety leads to depression, depression leads to insomnia, and both increase anxiety.

CES – A Proven Way to Find Relief From Anxiety

The successful way to end anxiety is to treat the problem directly, not simply treat the symptoms. Your neurochemistry (NC) is slightly different from everyone else’s. When your NC is in proper balance, you feel great. Prolonged stress, however, can change your optimum neurochemistry and result in long-term struggles with anxiety.

Feel peaceful once again. The proven medical treatment of Cranial Electrical Stimulation (CES) rebalances your brain’s chemistry. Many people report feeling relief from the very first time they use the CES Ultra. Your brain chemistry rebalances while anxiety plummets. And unlike drugs, CES is so safe, you can use it as much as you want.

Taking Back Control of Your Life without Drugs

Now you have the power achieve peace of mind and move forward with your life. Make a wise investment in your health and feel the tension and worry drain away with the CES Ultra solution. Contact us today to learn more.

Learn more about research on CES and anxiety.

Read about case studies with CES and anxiety.

Research on Anxiety


Anxiety is defined as “mental uneasiness” or “distress arising from fear of what may happen.” It has several different manifestations. Individuals suffering from panic disorder experience recurrent, unexpected panic attacks. Those with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) chronically worry too much about a variety of things, and experience symptoms such as restlessness, agitation, or feeling keyed up, muscle tension, fatigue, irritability, and trouble with concentration and sleep. Persons suffering from social anxiety disorder experience extreme fear and avoidance of social and/or performance situations.

Anxiety disorders, as a group, are the most common mental illness in America. More than 19 million American adults are affected by these debilitating illnesses each year. Children and adolescents can also develop anxiety disorders. Anxiety is currently perhaps the most fashionable idiom in the parlance of American psychiatry and medicine. It is used almost synonymously with stress which in turn has been associated with everything from increased risk of heart attack and cancer to the common cold. The general consensus within the medical community is that anxiety can in many instances, be a causative factor in physical illness as well as exacerbate it.


Graphical Interpretationof CES Ultra and anxiety studiesSeven separate studies of 220 hospitalized psychiatric inpatients. All were controlled scientific studies employing measures of anxiety with known reliability and validity. There are four replications using the state anxiety scale (STAI-S) and three using the tension/anxiety factor on the Profile of Mood States (POMS-T/A). Most of the studies were for fifteen days-Monday through Friday over a period of three weeks. The TMAS (Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale) study was for ten days only and the IPAT (Institute for Personality and Ability Testing) for six. Studies using the STAI-S used five or six thirty minute sessions whereas one of the POM-T/A studies used CES for thirty minutes a day over ten days and two others at a rate of one forty minute session per day for fifteen days

Graphical Interpretation

The red bar represents the patients’ scores on the anxiety measure before CES treatment (PRE); the blue bar, their score after CES therapy (POST).


The findings of all tests conducted were consistent: Most patients responded positively to CES treatment within the first week or ten days; the more entrenched forms of anxiety, within ten days to three weeks. Resultant post CES test scores shows improvement ranging from approximately 30 percent to almost 65 percent. The variation was due to different anxiety scales measuring different facets of anxiety, only some of which are shared in common. In one study, investigators deliberately used patients with low suggestibility levels and compared them with those with high suggestibility levels. No differences were found, thus ruling out a placebo effect.

The net result of these studies shows CES to be a predictably effective treatment for anxiety and related disorders as measured by these scales. There has never been a controlled study of anxiety in which CES patients did not improve more significantly than did the controls.

Graphical Interpretation

depression-studies-before-afterUnder each set of bars is the psychological test used to measure depression in each study including a general average of all results. The red bar shows patients’ scores before using CES – the higher the bar, the greater the depression. The blue bar shows the level of depression after using CES.


There have been three replications of findings on the Profile of Mood States, Depression-Dejection factor, and two replications using the Zung Self-rating Depression Scale (POMS-D and ZSDS, respectively on the graph). All yielded similar results. The movement on the ZSDS scale is less because one study was for one week and the second, for ten days. The studies which ran over a span of three weeks, however, provide evidence of an even more dramatic decline in depression.

All three tests yielded congruent results – an average reduction of approximately 50% in the depression raw scores measured before and after CES treatment. All types of depression responded dramatically to CES. CES showed itself to be effective in treating the lighter reactive type within a week or ten days and the deeper seated variety in three weeks.

Because those with deep-seated depression tend to view CES as a modern “miracle,” and expect instantaneous relief, they can actually become more depressed initially while using CES unless the therapist specifically tells them that at least three weeks of treatment are required. With this added clinical support, even the most deep-seated depressions responded well. The study controlled for possible placebo effects did not show any. There has never been a reduction in the scores of sham CES treated controls.

As in the anxiety studies, while some depression studies were “sacrificed” in the attempt to discover how much treatment was necessary to correct the various intensities of depression, there has never been a controlled scientific study in which CES was not shown to significantly improve reactive depression in a week to ten days and deep-seated depression within three weeks. All types of depression studied so far, have responded dramatically to CES treatment.

Now you have the power achieve peace of mind and move forward with your life in a holistic way of balancing the brain. I call it EMDR that you can take home with you. EMDR in a machine CES.


This graph represents anti-depressive medications compared to CES treatment. The results speak of 68% improvement compared to highest of 32% with Paxil and 28% with Effexor. Thanks to Alpha-Stim CES gathering data from more then 12 different studies independently conducted at universities around the country.

The Alpha-Stim devices (Mineral Wells, Tex) that is commonly used for CES interventions delivers modified square-wave biphasic stimulation at 0.5 Hz and 100 µA and is approved by the Food and Drug Administration. (All research Dr. Ray Smith utilized in his book and FDA approval utilizes modified square-wave biphasic stimulation at 100 Hz and 100 µA). The difference between Alpha-Stim and CESultra is quality, cost and ability to change frequency from 0.5 Hz, 1.5 Hz and 100 Hz. The difference in coast is $799 for CES model of Alpha-Stim and $349 for CESultra.

Although the mechanisms of CES stimulation are not conclusive, several theories attempt to explain the clinical effectiveness and empirical findings related to CES. It is generally believed that the effects are primarily mediated through a direct action on the brain at the limbic system (including the cingulated cortex), hypothalamus, thalamus, and/or reticular activating system (C. Bourguignon, A. G. Taylor, R. H. Gracely, J. Lewis, unpublished data, 2007).32,36 CES is thought to influence ion and amino acid transport across cell membranes in the nervous system where these substances are used in the metabolism and production of neurotransmitters and peptides. Lower currents, consisting of 500 µA or less, increased ATP; however, higher currents, over 5 mA, showed a decrease in ATP to levels below baseline.37 In a rat study, findings demonstrated as much as a 3-fold increase in endorphin concentration after only one CES treatment.38Although there is little biologic data on neurotransmitters specific to the Alpha-Stim device, in preliminary studies using the LISS Cranial Stimulator (a device with a similar waveform and strength as the CES device), participants had increases in plasma serotonin, norepinephrine, and β-endorphin.39 The changes in increased levels of serotonin, norepinephrine, and β-endorphin may result in the alleviation of sleep disturbances and depressive symptoms.

Twelve million people around the world have used Alpha-Stim (CES) over the past 20 years. The American military have used it for five years. Its applications are astonishingly wide. It has been found to be effective in the treatment of anxiety, stress and depression, addictions, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and insomnia.

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