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The LENS, or Low Energy Neurofeedback System, is a unique and effective form of Neurotherapy that facilitates changes in people of all ages with a wide variety of presenting issues. As a result, it has the capacity to address numerous symptoms and deficits. It is remarkably effective, and over 85% of people who have used the LENS have benefitted significantly from it. Results can be seen quickly, often beginning within the first session, and are lasting.

It may be utilized as the primary treatment approach, or as an adjunct to other therapies. Patients across the lifespan, from young children to older adults, have benefited from LENS.

What makes LENS different from other forms of neurofeedback? Each client’s EEG signals are unique to them and constantly changing. The LENS measures these ever-changing signals of the client and matches the feedback to the client’s own physiological (neurological) fingerprint.

Unlike LENS sessions, traditional neurofeedback sessions (1) require conscious effort and attention to stimuli by the client, (2) sessions last 45-60 minutes each, and (3) results are typically attained over 40 or more sessions. On the other hand, LENS does not require any focused attention, and the person does not need to do anything specific during the session. The sessions themselves last between a few seconds and a few minutes. Initial results are typically seen in 1-4 sessions, with the average number of sessions per client of 11. This makes LENS an excellent option for all individuals, including those who are unable to attend for lengthy periods of time and/or who are unable to understand instructions. Dogs, cats, goats, chickens, birds, horses (especially race horses), chimpanzees, gorillas, and giraffes have benefitted greatly from the LENS!

Treatment of Anxiety with LENS Neurofeedback

Anxiety, stress, and worry block the brain’s access to memory and decision making. Ongoing stress or anxiety can lead to poor choices, depression or drug use. LENS Neurofeedback has been shown in clinical case studies to relieve stress and anxiety within minutes. LENS Neurofeedback is a low energy micro-pulse that reorganizes anxious survival pathways in the brain. EEG information shows the brain how to let go of negative addiction patterns and rebuild healthy neural networks without medication. The result is a calm, relaxed body and mind that thinks clearly. Within minutes, the brain lets go of reactions triggered by the fight-or-flight sympathetic nervous system and drop into being replenished by the paratympanic nervous system. Passive treatments help manage habitual nervous symptoms such as restlessness, catastrophizing and looping worry, while supporting healthy brain development for clearer thinking and renewed confidence. At Echo Rock Neurotherapy, caring and licensed therapist.

Head Trauma TBI Concussion Treatment utilizing LENS Neurofeedback

Head trauma symptoms can be treated with drug-free LENS neurofeedback including confusion, mental fatigue, headaches, seizures and memory loss. Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy or CTE can also be treated with LENS. CTE is a progressive degenerative condition of the brain found in people with a history of repetitive brain trauma (often athletes).

This differs from Traumatic brain injury or TBI also treatable with LENS. TBI is a trauma to the brain but not of a degenerative like CTE. It is caused by external physical force that may produce a diminished or altered state of consciousness that results in an impaired cognitive abilities or physical functioning. Common symptoms are foggy thinking and memory loss. CTE can be a result of contact or non-contact sports like tennis, soccer or baseball where sudden changes of direction result in many small traumas to the brain.
Principle causes of concussion are impact sports like water skiing, football, boxing, wrestling, and lacrosse. Football CTE studies show that many hits add up to a big loss in cognition and mental focus. This is often misdiagnosed as ADHD but in reality is caused by head trauma. These symptoms can be treated with LENS neurofeedback and restore functioning in adults after a lifetime of small bumps or one large hit to the head.
Memory loss in older adults many be misdiagnosed as early Alzheimer’s but can be a result of an accumulation of a lifetime of jolts, bumps, and small decelerations.
EEG or electroencephalogram treatment maps show activity in various areas of the brain. Two hot spots are evident in front of the ears, where infants are pulled with forceps from the womb at birth. This illustrates that head trauma symptoms can persist to adulthood. LENS neurofeedback is effective at any age for treatment of early head trauma.

LENS neurofeedback is FDA certified and meets ISNR guidelines. Treatments are drug-free and less time to consume than biofeedback or talk therapy. It is safe for children, teens, and adults of all ages.

PTSD Treatment with Neurofeedback LENS

LENS Neurofeedback has been shown to relieve PTSD symptoms. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety as well as uncontrollable repeating thoughts. LENS neurofeedback is an advanced form of EEG biofeedback that provides a low energy micro-pulse to reorganize brain neuro pathways. This information shows the brain how to let go of negative traumatic patterns and rebuild healthy neural networks without medication. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that often leads to isolation, depression and addiction.

The cause may be unknown because symptoms often begin many years after the traumatic events. Any event that caused an adrenalin rush can set up PTSD patterns in the brain. Physical, emotional, and mental events or mild head trauma from sports or fender-benders can be the root cause of PTSD.

Symptoms may not cause enough difficulty in daily life to qualify for a DSM diagnosis however everyone has a slight degree PTSD. This is because of the brain operates with a negative survival bias. Human brains have evolved to stay on high alert to guard against life threating events.

LENS neurofeedback reads brainwaves, and feeds back an outline of this EEG information through the sensor wires to show the brain how to let go of addictive-repetative negative patterns.

Treatments and rebuild healthy neural networks without medication or effort and takes only a fews minute. The result is a relaxed body and calm mind that is organized for better decision making. Within minutes, the brain lets go of reaction patterns triggered by the fight-or-flight sympathetic nervous system and replenished by the paratympanic nervous system.

Passive treatments help manage habitual PTSD symptoms such as anxiety, OCD, constant wariness and negative thoughts, while supporting healthy brain development for clearer thinking and renewed confidence.

Treatment for Depression and Bipolar with LENS Neurofeedback

Treatment for ADD, ADHD and Procrastination with LENS Neurofeedback

LENS Neurofeedback has been shown to relieve symptoms of both hyperactive and inattentive type ADHD. Symptoms of poor focus, memory, interrupting and procrastination are addressed in seconds with this advanced form of EEG biofeedback. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the medical term for the short attention spans we have all learned from media advertising. LENS neurofeedback helps the brain focus and complete tasks by echoing a low energy micro-pulse that reorganizes brain neuropathways. This EEG biofeedback information shows the brain how to let go of distracted patterns and rebuild healthy neural networks without medication. The result is a still, relaxed body and an organized mind that thinks clearly and gets things done. Procrastination and distraction settle down without willful effort. Luckily for children who can’t sit still, LENS neurofeedback treatment only takes a moment and patients don’t need to do anything. Within minutes, the brain lets go of distractions triggered by the fight-or-flight sympathetic nervous system and drops into the steadiness of the paratympanic nervous system. Passive treatments help manage habitual symptoms such as interrupting, forgetfulness, restlessness, and confusion, while supporting healthy brain development for organized thinking, steady emotions, improved reading/learning, and renewed confidence. This video shows a distracted woman with ADHD who has trouble finishing sentences. She seems surprised that something so quick and easy as one session of LENS neurofeedback could produce such a big change in her ability to focus. Off camera, she talked about checking more things off here list, like finishing emails, that previously would have been interrupted by some “new shiny” thought or impulse.

Better Recovery from Medical Procedures with LENS Neurofeedback

Treatment for Learning Disabilities and Reading Disabilities with LENS Neurofeedback

LENS Neurofeedback has been shown to relieve and resolve symptoms of learning disabilities, ADHD, sleep, speech and reading disorders in children and adults. People typically first notice a drop in anxiety(Ashley’s Story) that allows executive functioning in the brain to increase. Learning disabilities are problems that affect the brain’s ability to receive, process, analyze, or store information. People affected typically have secondary problems, such as anxiety, broken friendships and ADHD (Shannon’s Story). ADHD can is diagnosed when the mind wanders and loses the ability to concentrate on one thing at a time. In LENS neurofeedback, a low energy micro-pulse reorganizes the brain’s neuropathways, so the brain can rebuild healthy neural networks. Feedback ispassive, and only takes a moment. This EEG biofeedback is an alternative to medication, yet treatment can happen while someone is taking their prescription. ith LENS, the brain learns how to be calmer accompanied with clearer thinking. Passive treatments relieve symptoms in the first session for most clients resulting in clearer thinking and renewed confidence. Many parents want their child to read or speak better. This usually happens after anxiety drops, since the anxiety was blocking ease of reading and executive functions in the brain.

This video is a window into a child’s frustration on being housed in a school “resource” classroom. Bryce had been separated form his friends, and totally bored by the baby-sitting quality of the classroom for people with learning disabilities. His disability was only in one subject, math, and he was falling behind by not attending the mainstream class. The first result of LENS neurofeedback was better sleep. His anxiety dropped in the daytime too, but getting enough sleep shifted everything. Math focus and ease set in after 2 sessions. The school noticed and let him back in the mainstream class. He was happy about that! He also entered and did well in a spelling bee. Friendships became easier when unpredictable behaviors stopped. In the video you can see and hear Bryce stuttering before the neurofeedback session. After treatment, watch him catch the stutter before it blows up into a full speech impediment.

Addiction Recovery and Medication Withdrawal with LENS Neurofeedback

Anxiety, depression and confusion often lead to addictions. LENS
Neurofeedback addresses these underlying cause. Withdrawal from addiction to drugs and medications is easier with restored brain health. Drug use and withdrawal can be painful and cause stress. LENS Neurofeedback has been shown to relieve withdrawal symptoms with a low energy micro-pulse that reorganizes brain pathways. This information shows the brain how to let go of negative addiction patterns and rebuild healthy neural networks without medication. Passive treatments relieve symptoms of disorders while supporting healthy brain development for clearer thinking and renewed confidence. At Echo Rock Neurotherapy, caring and licensed therapists provide neurofeedback sessions and counseling to children, adolescents and adults.

Story about how Neurofeedback Changed This Family



  1. Accessing your Patient Forms in LENSware3: Click Here
  2. Adding a New Patient in LENSware3: Click Here
  3. Locating the 10-20 Sites on the Head: Click Here
  4. How to Attach the Sensors to the Head: Click Here
  5. Running a LENSware3 Session: Click Here
  6. How to Create and View a Map in LENSware3: Click Here
  7. Map Basics: Click Here
  8. Oops! How to Edit, Move and Delete Data in LENSware3: Click Here
  9. Accessing your on-line OchsLabs Account for the very first Time. Click Here
  10. What is in my on-line OchsLabs Account? Click Here
  11. Saving and Transferring Data in LENSware3: Click Here
  12. Installing and Updating your LENSware3 Software: Click Here
  13. Testing your Sensors: Click Here
  14. 2-Channel LENSware3: Click Here
  15. What are the other Buttons on the LENSware3 Treatment Screen: Click Here
  16. Adding Yourself to the LENS Provider Listing: Click Here
  17. LENS with Animals: Click Here


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