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Reading Resources

Your library may be an excellent resource for these and other books for adults and children.

Books about Violence: For Young Children:
A Safe Place, Maxine Trottier (1997) (ages 5 and older) A Story for Young Children About Domestic Violence,
When Mommy Got Hurt, Ilene Lee (1996)
Hands are Not for Hitting, Martine Agassi, Ph.D. (2000)

For Elementary School Children:
Something Is Wrong at My House, Diane Davis (also in Spanish) (1998)
Bully On the Bus, Carl W. Bosch (1998) The Boy Who Sat by the Window: Helping Children Cope with Violence, C. Loftis (1996)

For Pre-teens and Adolescents:
Family Violence, Debra Goldentyer (1995) Help Yourself to Safety, Kate Hubbard and Evelyn Berlin, Skills for Violence-Free Relationships, Barrie Levy Dating Violence, Young Women in Danger, Barrie Levy (1991)
In Love and In Danger, a Teen’s Guide to Breaking Free of Abusive Relationships, Barrie Levy (1993)

For Adults:
Battered Woman’s Survival Guide- Break the Cycle, by Jan Berliner Statman (1995). A resource manual for survivors, relatives, friends and professionals. This book tracks the anatomy and progress of an abusive relationship and includes tips on how to spot a batterer before an abusive relationship begins.

Dangerous Relationships – How to stop Domestic Violence Before it Stops You, by Noelle Nelson (1997). This book is helpful to those already in the midst of a violent relationship and also offers a preventive approach to avoiding getting into a violent relationship. It includes a personalized safety plan, helps increase both women’s and men’s awareness of potentially disastrous relationships to avoid.

Defending Our Lives– Getting Away from Domestic Violence and Staying Safe, Susan Murphy-Milano (1996). A comprehensive guide to the options available to battered women and to family and friends who want to help. Includes detailed and practical information to guide women through the process of protecting themselves from domestic violence and stalking and ensuring the safety of children.

The Domestic Violence Sourcebook, Dawn Bradley Berry (1998). Discusses psychological reasons for domestic violence and explores steps to getting out of a violent domestic violence situation. The book includes emotional and economic recovery for victims, resources, organizations and services.

Getting Free – You Can End Abuse and Take Back Your Life, by Ginny NiCarthy (1986). This book explores making the decision to leave, getting professional help; making a new life; recognizing partner/relationship patterns.

It’s Not OK Anymore, Greg Enns and Jan Black (1992). A practical step-by-step path out of abuse and into life management and self-care. Men’s Work: How to Stop the Violence that Tears our Lives Apart, Paul Kivel (1998)

Unlearning Violence, Paul Kivel (1992) War, Battering, and Other Sports: The Gulf Between American Men and Women, James McBride (1994)

What to Do When Love Goes Wrong, by Mariane Betancourt (1997). A practical resource for women in abusive relationships, this book includes an action plan to get out of danger and find immediate help. Information on how to stay safe and regain control of your life.

For Parents:

  • Beyond Dolls-Guns: 101 Ways to Help Children Avoid Gender Bias, Susan Crawford (1996)
  • Boys Will Be Boys: Breaking the Link Between Masculinity and Violence, Miriam Miedzian (1991)
  • Keeping Kids Safe, Kenneth Shore (2001)
  • On the Safe Side: Teach Your Child to be Safe, Strong, and Street-Smart, Paula Statman (1995)
  • Ten Talks Parents Must Have With Their Children About Violence, Dominic Cappello (2000)
  • Books about Alcohol and Other Drugs: For Young Children: Something’s Wrong In My House, Katherine Leiner (1988)
  • What’s “Drunk,” Mama? Al-Anon Family Groups For Elementary School Children: Drugs and Your Parents, Rhonda McFarland (1991)
  • My Mom Doesn’t Look Like an Alcoholic, Mary; Chestnut Hammond An Elephant in the Living Room, Jill Typpo Hastings I Can Say No, A Child’s Book About Drug Abuse, Doris Sanford (1987)
  • My Dad Loves Me, My Dad Has a Disease, Claudia Black For Pre-teens and Adolescents: Highs! Over 150 Ways to Feel Really Really Good…Without Alcohol or Other Drugs, Alex J. Packer (2000)
  • How to Say No and Keep Your Friends, Peer Pressure Reversal for Teens, S. Scott (1997)
  • Straight Talk About Drugs & Alcohol, Elizabeth Ryan (1989)
  • You Can Say No to a Drink or Drugs, Susan Newman (1986)

For Adults:

  • You Mean I Don’t Have to Feel This Way? New Help for Drug and Alcohol Addiction, Colette Dowling (1991)
  • You Can Free Yourself From Alcohol and Drugs: Work a Program that Keeps You in Charge, Doug Althausen (1998)
  • For Parents: Parenting One Day at a Time -Using the Tools of Recovery to Become Better Parents, J. Packer (1999)
  • Adolescent Drug and Alcohol Abuse: How to Spot It, Stop It, and Get Help for Your Family, N. Babbitt (2000)

Books About Child Abuse: For Young Children:
Do You Have a Secret? How to Get Help for Scary Secrets, Pamela Russell It’s MY Body, Lory Freeman Loving Touches, A Book For Children About Positive, Caring Kinds of Touches, Lory Freeman (1986)

My Body is Private, L.W. Girard (1987) Something Happened and I’m Scared to Tell, Patricia Kehoe, Ph.D. Your Body Belongs to You, Cornelia Spelman (1997)

For Elementary School Children: It Happens to Boys, Too, Jane Satullo, Roberta Russell, (1987) A Boy’s Book About Sexual Abuse, Doris Sanford (1993)

For Pre-teens, Adolescents, and Adults: Sexual Abuse: Let’s Talk About It, Margaret O. Hyde, (1987) Coping With Sexual Abuse, Judith Cooley (1991)

For Adults and Parents:

  • Broken Boys, Mending Men: Recovery from Childhood Sexual Abuse, K.B. Mains (1997)
  • Helping Abused Children, Patricia Kehoe, Ph.D. Helping Your Child Recover from Sexual Abuse, C. Adams, J. Fay (1992)
  • Protect Your Child from Sexual Abuse, A Parent’s Guide, Janie Hart-Rossi (1984)
  • The Sexual Abuse of Children and Adolescents, Margaret O. Hyde, (1997)
  • Books About Mental Health Issues: For Young Children: Ignatius Finds Help – A Story About Psychotherapy for Children, Matthew Galvin, M.D. (1987)
  • Sad Days, Glad Days: A Story About Depression, Dewitt Hamilton (1995)

For Elementary School Children:

  • Please Don’t Cry, Mom – A Book About Depression, Helen Den Boer For Pre-teens and Adolescents: Amazing Gracie, A. E. Cannon (1991)
  • My Father the Nutcase, Judith Caseley (1992)
  • Teenage Depression, Herman Silverstein (1990)
  • When Nothing Matters Anymore, A Survival Guide for Depressed Teens, B. Cobain (1998)

For Adults:

  • I Don’t Want to Talk About It: Overcoming the Secret Legacy of Male Depression, Terrence Real (1997)
  • In the Company of Men: A New Approach to Healing for Husbands, Fathers and Friends, Marvin Allen (1993)
  • The Self-Esteem Companion: Simple Exercises to Help You Challenge Your Inner Critic and Celebrate Your Personal Strength, Matthew McKay (1999)
  • Books About Anger and Other Feelings: For Young Children: My Many Colored Days, Dr. Seuss (1996) (also on video) The Way I Feel, Janan Cain (2001)
  • When You’re HAPPY and You Know It, Elizabeth Crary (1996)
  • When You’re MAD and You Know It, Elizabeth Crary (1996)
  • My Name is Not Dummy, Elizabeth Crary (1996)

For Elementary School Children: The Temper Tantrum Book, Mitchell Preston We Can Get Along, Lauren Murphy Payne, (1997) When Sophie Gets Angry, Molly Bang

For Pre-teens and Adolescents: Dealing With Anger, Marianne Johnston (1996) Anger-Free: Ten Basic Steps to Managing Your Anger, Doyle Gentry (1999)

For Adults: Anger and Relapse: Breaking the Cycle, Jo Clancy (1997) Beyond Anger: A Guide for Men, Thomas Harbin (2000) The Dance of Anger, A Woman’s Guide to Changing the Patterns of Intimate Relationships, Hariet Lerner, (1985)

Dealing With Your Anger: Self-Help Solutions for Men, Frank Donovan (2001) When Anger Hurts, Matthew McKay(1993)

For Parents:

A Fine Young Man: What Parents, Mentors and Educators can do to Shape Adolescent Boys into Exceptional Men, Michael Gurian (1998)
First Feelings: Milestones in the Emotional Development of Your Baby and Child, Stanley Greenspan (1985) Floor Time (video), Stanley Greenspan, (1990)
Magic Tree of the Mind: How to Nurture your Child’s Intelligence, Creativity, and Healthy Emotions From Birth Through Adolescence, Marian Diamond (1998)
Raising Cain – Protecting the Emotional Life of Boys, Daniel Kindlon (1999)
Real Boys: Rescuing Our sons from the Myths of Boyhood, William Pollock (1998)
Without Spanking or Spoiling: A Practical Approach to Toddlers and Preschool Guidance, Elizabeth Crary (1993) Time-In, When Time-Out Doesn’t Work, Jean Illsley Clark

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