Low Energy Neurofeedback (LENS) Treatment

LENS Neurofeedback

LENS Neurofeedback is a micro electromagnetic field that shows the brain how to reset itself for optimal performance. Clients typically report feeling relaxed and calm with heightened mental clarity and steady emotional resilience. LENS Neurofeedback is not a specific treatment for any one condition, but a general regulation of the central nervous system. New balance in the brain often results in better sleep, focus and moods that together reduces or eliminates most disorders and symptoms.

What to Expect

LENS is very safe and medication-free. During the session a therapist attaches sensors to the client’s head in order to record their brainwaves (EEG waves). For only a few seconds, LENS mirrors back the brain’s faint electromagnetic impulses. This brain-mirroring allows dysfunctional patterns in the brain to reorganize and optimize functions. The information signal is far weaker than the electromagnetic field around a wrist watch, yet it typically triggers the brain to make profound, lasting changes.

In the first session, 86%, notice improvements and nearly every client experience improvement by the third session. Depending on the symptoms and disorder, a typical course of treatment is between 15 and 25 sessions. Positive changes endure months and years after the final session.

Benefits of LENS

Clients usually report feeling clear, calm, and fully present immediately after neurofeedback. The progression of states experienced by clients follows a predictable pattern that parallels traditional meditation benefits. These benefits include letting go of sticky emotional states like malice and wanting, balancing energy between emotional and behavioral extremes, and knowing what can and can’t be done. When this initial centering has cleared the big distractions away from being fully present, clients progress through increased awareness, clarity, energy, joy, calm, focus, and contentment.

LENS is a safe and effective for children, adolescents, and adults. LENS has been shown to be particularly effective with children and has been used to treat ADD and ADHD, behavioral problems, and a variety of other brain health conditions.


LENS Neurofeedback has been extensively researched and has been demonstrated remarkable efficacy for a variety of different conditions. Learn more about the science of LEN Neurofeedback on our Research Section


LENS Neurofeedback is a non-invasive treatment during which people often report feeling comfortable and calm. In over a million sessions, there have been no significant side effects. Because the brain responds to LENS by reorganizing itself, there may be a new awareness of existing symptoms, such as feeling fatigued, wired, or light-headed. These short-term feelings tend to correct themselves quickly.

We offer a free phone interview to answer your questions and assess the probability of successful treatment.


Imagine having had multiple car accidents and 2 concussions. How would you act and feel?
I have had such a history and it left me feeling scattered and unable to concentrate A doctor friend introduced me to Low Energy Neurofeedback (LENS) and that is how I began to heal.

It took 7 sessions to map my brain waves fully (there are 21 places on the skull to map). A pattern emerged of suppression of normal expression and of survival. A mode I was stuck in.


By the 6th session I felt fully healed and completely in gratitude.

The benefits this brought me was on many levels:
In the first session a whole level of tension left my upper body ( I didn’t even know I was holding tension there)
A whole layer of anxiety fell away.
I felt I could easily meditate and focus.
My head felt different on my neck and shoulders and was a little uncomfortable for 2 days. Then my upper cervical adjustments started to hold for a lot longer than ever before.
I was no longer in fight or flight when speaking to groups or strangers.
I had more self confidence.
My nervous system was no longer hypersensitive to caffeine and stress didn’t seem to affect me very much.
I was no longer cold a lot. I felt warmer in environments that would normally be very chilling to me.
I could tackle projects and see them through and could clear my desk at home.
I felt more talkative and more interested in others.
Sensitivity to light and sound diminished.
After 5 sessions I had a sense of contentment I have never known and now I don’t think about moving any more.
Dyslexia in typing resolved after 6 sessions.
All of these benefits are long lasting and permanent.

Neurofeedback is direct training typically provided by health professionals such as psychologists, family  therapists, and counselors. We observe the brain in action from moment to moment and that information is brought back to the person by way of the sensors.  Neurofeedback is also called EEG Biofeedback, because it is based on electrical brain activity, the electroencephalogram, or EEG. Neurofeedback is training in self-regulation.  Self-regulation is a necessary part of optimal brain performance and function. Self-regulation training allows the nervous system to function better. 

The LENS is a specific kind of Neurofeedback that operates much more rapidly that traditional Neurofeedback and has qualities that make it much easier to use with people who can’t sit still. With the LENS, the client doesn’t need to “do” anything, and there is nothing to learn.  The typical session with the LENS lasts 3-4 minutes.  This means that the LENS works well for people who either cannot or will not pay attention to a computer screen for longer time periods. Additionally, the LENS works much faster than traditional Neurofeedback with the number of sessions ranging from as few as 1 to an overall average number of sessions of 20. The LENS works well with problems of the Central Nervous System, which can be numerous. These include symptoms of anxiety-depression spectrum, attention deficits, behavior disorders, various sleep disorders, headaches and migraines, PMS and emotional disturbances. It is also useful for organic brain conditions such as seizures, the autism spectrum, and cerebral palsy. 

These are all signs of Central Nervous System dysfunction which result in the body’s difficulty regulating itself. 

How does the LENS work?

We apply sensors to the scalp to listen in on brainwave activity. We process the signal by

computer, and extract information about certain key brainwave frequencies.  Through a patented

process, we then bring this information back to the client down the sensor wires to the person’s

skin.  The results are reduction and/or elimination of the symptoms which previously interfered

with the client’s quality of life.  The sessions are brief (usually 3-5 minutes), gentle (usually the

client feels nothing during the session), and the changes are lasting with some exceptions: with

symptoms of progressive conditions such as Parkinson’s and MS, the treatment needs to be

ongoing to sustain the improvement.

What conditions does the LENS help with?

  • Cognition – Problems sequencing, memory, providing and maintaining attention, concentration, clarity and organization.

  • Mood – Anger, sadness, explosiveness.

  • Motor – Lack of grace, problems of eye-hand coordination, balance, increased muscle tone (from spasticity) and tremor.

  • Motivation – Problems initiating tasks, shifting from one activity to another, and/or completing tasks.

  • Anxiety – Problems of anxiety system activity (too much uncomfortably-contained energy), persistent “anxiety”, restlessness, rumination, agitation, distractibility, difficulty breathing, palpitations, tremor exacerbation, and sleep interruption.

  • Reactivity – Hyper-reactivity, hypersensitivity, multiple chemical sensitivities.

  • Pain – Brain-generated pain (mismapping the origins and qualities of signals), and vascular pain.

  • Addictions/Dependencies – Lack of clarity about emotions and self-comforting, defensiveness, argumentativeness and cynicism.

  • Fatigue – Fatigue; or fatigue as a phenomenon secondary to the effort of trying to overcome the pain and/or the above impediment to functioning more easily.

  • Performance Optimization – Increases in functioning in the above areas in absence of any diagnosis.

The LENS works well with symptoms of Central Nervous Symptom dysfunction. These include symptoms of ADD, ADHD, Seizures and sub-clinical seizure activity, severely disruptive behavior disorders such as Conduct Disorder, Reactive Attachment and Bipolar Disorder, Autistic spectrum and pervasive developmental delay, Cerebral palsy, concussive injuries, PTSD, Acquired Brain Injury, and Birth Trauma.

The LENS works extremely well with the symptoms of Traumatic Brain Injury, no matter how long ago the incident occurred.  The trauma can be from a physical blow, a concussive injury, a psychological incident (PTSD), or any other incident(s) which results in a decrease in cognitive ability. 

Many children have sleep problems that can be helped such as bed wetting, sleep walking, sleep talking, teeth grinding, nightmares, and night terrors.

The LENS can also be helpful with many of the symptoms of adolescence including drug abuse, suicidal behavior, anxiety and depression.

The LENS can also help in maintaining good brain function as people age.

Do the results of LENS last?

If the problem being addressed is one of brain dysregulation, then the answer is yes, and that covers a lot of ground. Neurofeedback involves learning by the brain and if that brings order out of disorder, the brain will continue to use its new capabilities, and thus reinforce them.

At times there are unknown issues such as early-stage degenerative disease, allergies, strong reactions to some foods or pollens, or spills and falls leading to bumps on the head.  In these instances longer courses of the LENS may be needed. And it may also be that some direct medical help may be the best course of action.  The LENS can’t do everything for everybody.  But it can and has made a difference that other approaches have not provided, and in general, in a much shorter time.  Matters are different when we are dealing with degenerative conditions like Parkinson’s or the dementias, or when we are working against continuing insults to the system, as may be the case in the autism spectrum. In such cases, the LENS sessions may need to be continued at some level over time. Allergic susceptibilities and food intolerances may make it more difficult to maintain the gains. Poor digestive function will pose a problem, as does poor nutrition. A child living in a toxic environment (in either the physical or the psychological sense) may have more difficulty retaining good function.

What is the success rate with neurofeedback?

It turns out that among the vast majority of clients (>95% in one clinician’s experience,) the actual outcome exceeds the prior expectations. Against such low expectations, the changes that can be produced with the LENS may even appear miraculous. One EEG Biofeedback office has a sign on its front desk: “We expect miracles.” If none occur, something has gone wrong.” What appears miraculous in all of this is really nothing more than the incredible capacity of the brain to recover function when given a chance.

Through our twenty five years plus of experience with the LENS, we have reached the point of having very high expectations for success in treatment. When such success is not forthcoming, or if the gains cannot hold, then there is usually a reason for that which needs to be pursued. In the normal course of events, neurofeedback ought to work with everybody. That is to say, nearly everyone should make gains that they themselves would judge to be worthwhile. Our brains are made for learning and skill-acquisition. On the other hand, we are working with many families whose expectations have been lowered by their past experience. And they need to see progress before they will share our optimism. We understand that.

Is neurofeedback a cure?

In the case of organic brain disorders, it can only be a matter of getting the brain to function better rather than of curing the condition. When it comes to problems of dysregulation, we would say that there is not a disease to be cured. Where dysregulation is the problem, self-regulation may very well be the remedy. But again, the word cure would not apply.

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